Controls the function generator, AKA 'Source' 1 and 2. Requires a CONNECTION_DS1074Z node at the start of the app to connect with
the instrument. The VISA address will then be listed under 'connection'.
This node should also work with compatible DS1000Z oscilloscopes Params: connection : VisaConnection The VISA address (requires the CONNECTION_DS1074Z node). source : int Control source 1 or 2. source_on : bool Turn the wavefunction generator on (True) or off (False.) impedance : str Use high (~1e6) or 50 Ohm impedance. frequency : float The output frequency, in Hz. phase : float = 0 The output frequency, in degrees. align_phases : bool Align the phases of source 1 and 2 (use after both phases are set). function : str Choose the desired wavefunction shape. amplitude : float Peak-to-peak amplitude, in V. voltage_offset : float The vertical voltage offset, in V. ramp_symmetry : float = 0, The symmetry of the ramp wavefunction, if used. 0-100%. duty_cycle : float = 0, The duty cycle of the pulse wavefunction, if used. 0-100%. Returns: out : DataContainer TextBlob: summary of channel settings.
Python Code
from flojoy import flojoy, DataContainer, TextBlob, VisaConnection
from typing import Optional, Literal
connection: VisaConnection,
source: Literal[1, 2] = 1,
source_on: bool = True,
impedance: Literal["highZ", "50"] = "50",
frequency: float = 1e5,
phase: float = 0,
align_phases: bool = True,
function: Literal[
] = "sin",
amplitude: float = 0.1,
voltage_offset: float = 0,
ramp_symmetry: float = 0,
duty_cycle: float = 0,
default: Optional[DataContainer] = None,
) -> TextBlob:
"""Controls the function generator, AKA 'Source' 1 and 2.
Requires a CONNECTION_DS1074Z node at the start of the app to connect with
the instrument. The VISA address will then be listed under 'connection'.
This node should also work with compatible DS1000Z oscilloscopes
connection: VisaConnection
The VISA address (requires the CONNECTION_DS1074Z node).
source: int
Control source 1 or 2.
source_on: bool
Turn the wavefunction generator on (True) or off (False.)
impedance: str
Use high (~1e6) or 50 Ohm impedance.
frequency: float
The output frequency, in Hz.
phase: float = 0
The output frequency, in degrees.
align_phases: bool
Align the phases of source 1 and 2 (use after both phases are set).
function: str
Choose the desired wavefunction shape.
amplitude: float
Peak-to-peak amplitude, in V.
voltage_offset: float
The vertical voltage offset, in V.
ramp_symmetry: float = 0,
The symmetry of the ramp wavefunction, if used. 0-100%.
duty_cycle: float = 0,
The duty cycle of the pulse wavefunction, if used. 0-100%.
TextBlob: summary of channel settings.
rigol = connection.get_handle()
s = f"Wavefunction settings: Source: {source} "
if source_on:
rigol.write(f":OUTPut{source} ON")
s += "ON , "
rigol.write(f":OUTPut{source} OFF")
s += "OFF , "
s += f"Impedance: {impedance}, "
if impedance == "50":
rigol.write(f":OUTPut{source}:IMPedance FIFTy")
rigol.write(f":OUTPut{source}:IMPedance OMEG")
s += f"Function: {function}, "
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:FUNC {function}")
s += f"Frequency: {frequency} Hz, Phase: {phase} degrees, "
s += f"Amplitude: {amplitude} V, Offset: {voltage_offset} V, "
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:FREQ {frequency}")
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:PHASe {phase}")
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:VOLT {amplitude}")
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:VOLTage:OFFSet {voltage_offset}")
if function == "ramp":
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:FUNCtion:RAMP:SYMMetry {ramp_symmetry}")
elif function == "pulse":
rigol.write(f":SOURce{source}:PULSe:DCYCle {duty_cycle}")
if align_phases:
return TextBlob(text_blob=s)
Control DS1000Z oscilloscope with Flojoy
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In this example the FUNCTION_GENERATOR_DS1047Z
block is used to control the source
function of the Rigol DS1047Z oscilloscope.
block must first be used to make the connection between Flojoy and the instrument.
Three different functions are used, and TIMER
functions are used to delay the time between each one allowing the changes to take effect.