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The MOVE_KEYFRAMES node LINEARLY RELATIVE TO A REFERENCE FRAME moves the robot's tool according to a set of 3d animation style keyframes. Set a tool reference frame (TRF) to move the robot's tool relative to the TRF. The TRF is set using the SET_TRF node. Params: ip_address : TextBlob The IP address of the robot arm. keyframes : DataFrame A dataframe containing the keyframes to move to. The dataframe must have the following columns: x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma, duration. The duration column is the time in seconds to move to the next keyframe. Returns: out : ip_address The IP address of the robot arm.
Python Code
from flojoy import flojoy, TextBlob, DataFrame
from PYTHON.utils.mecademic_state.mecademic_state import query_for_handle
from PYTHON.utils.mecademic_state.mecademic_helpers import safe_robot_operation
from PYTHON.utils.mecademic_state.mecademic_calculations import (

@flojoy(deps={"mecademicpy": "1.4.0"})
    ip_address: TextBlob,
    keyframes: DataFrame,
) -> TextBlob:
    The MOVE_KEYFRAMES node LINEARLY RELATIVE TO A REFERENCE FRAME moves the robot's tool according to a set of 3d animation style keyframes.

    Set a tool reference frame (TRF) to move the robot's tool relative to the TRF. The TRF is set using the SET_TRF node.

    ip_address: TextBlob
        The IP address of the robot arm.
    keyframes: DataFrame
        A dataframe containing the keyframes to move to. The dataframe must have the following columns:
        x, y, z, alpha, beta, gamma, duration. The duration column is the time in seconds to move to the next keyframe.

        The IP address of the robot arm.

    robot = query_for_handle(ip_address)

    # Data validation
    required_columns = ["x", "y", "z", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "duration"]
    for column in required_columns:
        if column not in keyframes.columns:
            raise ValueError(f"Keyframes dataframe must have a {column} column")
    # check that all values are numeric
    for column in keyframes.columns:
        if keyframes[column].dtype != "float64":
            raise ValueError(f"Keyframes dataframe column {column} must be numeric")

    # Move execution
    for index, row in keyframes.iterrows():
        vel = calculate_limiting_max_vel(
            [row["x"], row["y"], row["z"], row["alpha"], row["beta"], row["gamma"]],
            row["x"], row["y"], row["z"], row["alpha"], row["beta"], row["gamma"]
    return ip_address

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React Flow mini map

In this example, the Mecademic bot is made to move between a set of keyframes read from a file.