Math Overview
Welcome to Flojoy’s Math Blocks page. Here you can find all the blocks that performs arithmetic and calculus operations.
ABS Take an OrderedPair, Vector, or Scalar as input and return its absolute value.
ADD Add two or more numeric arrays, matrices, dataframes, or constants element-wise.
DIVIDE Divide two or more numeric arrays, matrices, dataframes, or constants element-wise.
MULTIPLY Multiply two numeric arrays, vectors, matrices, or constants element-wise.
SUBTRACT Subtract two numeric arrays, vectors, matrices, or constants element-wise.
DIFFERENTIATE Compute the derivative of the input with respect to x.
DOUBLE_DEFINITE_INTEGRAL Compute the double integral of a symbolic input function.
DOUBLE_INDEFINITE_INTEGRAL Compute the indefinite integral of an OrderedTriple (x,y,z).
INTEGRATE Integrate over an OrderedPair or Vector using the composite trapezoidal rule.